Terms & Conditions
By registering, all delegates, advisors, schools, and participants in all capacities hereby agree to comply with the following terms and conditions set forth by Yale Model United Nations Singapore (“YMUN Singapore”). The following Terms and Conditions describe the fees, deadlines, policies, and disclaimers of YMUN Singapore, amongst other items.
Delegate Eligibility
Registered delegates who will be participating in YMUN Singapore must be currently enrolled in a middle/secondary school, junior college/high school, OR a recent high school graduate who has not yet begun their undergraduate studies.
Registered delegates should be 13 - 19 years old by the time of the conference.
The staff and Secretariat of YMUN Singapore reserve the right to investigate the eligibility of any delegate and to expel without furnishing any cause or refund to an individual determined to be ineligible for participation as a delegate.
Delegates must submit a signed Liability Waiver form to attend the conference, regardless of whether they are attending with or without an advisor.
Delegates under 18 years of age must have their parent or legal guardian sign the Liability Waiver.
Delegates who do not meet these requirements may not attend the conference.
International delegates are responsible for securing their own visas, if necessary. Where applicable, YMUN Singapore will provide visa letters upon request.
If a student is found to be ineligible for the conference or has any behavior that is found to be disruptive or detrimental to the conference, they will be dismissed without refund.
Delegation and Advisor Eligibility
Delegations are responsible for securing their own hotel reservations. YMUN Singapore does not provide housing accommodations.
Advisors must submit signed liability forms for their delegates and a completed advisor agreement, both provided by YMUN Singapore, in order to participate in the conference.
If a delegation, delegate, or advisor is found to be destructive to the conference or causing harm to others, they may be dismissed immediately without refund. They, along with the respective delegation, may be prohibited from attending YMUN in future years.
Conference Conduct
General Standards
By attending YMUN Singapore, delegates, advisors, and delegations agree to abide by the standards of conduct outlined in these Terms and Conditions.
YMUN Singapore reserves the right to determine the scope and definition of unacceptable behavior that is deemed detrimental to the conference or not in compliance with these Terms and Conditions and to take appropriate measures to discipline or dismiss the offending delegate, advisor, or delegation without refund.
Neither YMUN Singapore nor Yale is responsible for any loss, injury, harm, illness, or infection with any consequences that occur for any reason whatsoever, however arising, during the course of YMUN Singapore. Advisors assume all responsibility for themselves, delegates under their supervision, and anyone else accompanying them at the conference.
YMUN Singapore will strictly enforce an environment of respect among delegates, advisors, and staff. Any form of harassment or bullying will not be tolerated, and such conduct may result in expulsion from the conference and/or other severe consequences determined by YMUN Singapore.
Delegates and advisors are responsible for ensuring full delegation attendance at the conference. Attendance will factor into award considerations. YMUN Singapore does not assume responsibility for making sure that delegates do not skip committees beyond taking attendance and reporting absences to advisors.
There is a strict policy against the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and other controlled substances during the conference. Delegates found with or consuming such substances will be expelled from the conference.
Delegates who are experiencing sickness, fever, nausea, or other signs of illness may not attend committee sessions. Chairs will take such absences due to illness into account when determining awards.
YMUN Singapore reserves the right to take the temperature of delegates and advisors, screen delegates and advisors for illness, or otherwise monitor the health and safety of those attending the conference. Those not complying with such guidelines will be subject to possible expulsion from the conference and/or other consequences determined by YMUN Singapore.
Delegate Conduct
Delegates must abide by the standards of conduct outlined in these Terms and Conditions. Any infractions will factor into awards considerations and a delegation’s ability to attend future YMUN Singapore conferences.
YMUN Singapore reserves the right to define unacceptable behavior and to take appropriate measures to discipline or dismiss the offending delegate without a refund.
Business attire is required for the entirety of the conference and will be enforced. Failure to comply with this may result in a delegate being asked to leave the committee and change into appropriate attire. Questions regarding this policy can be directed to the Secretary-General.
During the course of YMUN Singapore, we may use photographs, videos, films, or other media to record or otherwise capture your delegate’s image or voice or material resulting from his or her activities or performances. By attending YMUN Singapore, you agree to the following terms:
You grant to YMUN Singapore the permanent right to use the Images and Recordings in all types of media that support YMUN Singapore’s not-for-profit mission. This permission includes use and/or editing of the Images and Recordings in any new types of media both during the duration of Program and any other subsequent related activities in the future.
You waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product, including written or electronic copy, wherein your or your delegate appears.
Neither you nor anyone else acting on behalf of you or your delegate will have any right to approve or be paid for YMUN Singapore’s use of the Images and Recordings.
You acknowledge that the photographs or videos may be used for informational or promotional materials, but YMUN Singapore is not under obligation to use them.
Neither you nor anyone else acting on behalf of your delegate will have any right to make a legal claim as a result of YMUN Singapore’s use of the Images and Recordings.
YMUN Singapore has a no-tolerance policy for plagiarism or the use of AI software such as but not limited to ChatGPT. Delegates found committing plagiarism or using AI software will be disqualified from awards consideration and may be expelled from the conference and/or subject to other severe consequences without refund.
Delegates must abide by YMUN Singapore’s in-committee technology policy. Computers, laptops, cellphones, and other Wi-Fi-enabled devices may only be used during unmoderated caucuses at the discretion of their chairs. Failure to comply with this policy may be met with consequences as ascribed by the respective committee chairs and YMUN Singapore Secretariat members.
Registration, Deadlines, and Schedules
Listed below are the registration policies and deadlines for YMUN Singapore. YMUN Singapore maintains the right to change deadlines at its discretion. Missing deadlines may result in additional fines, an inability to account for country preferences, a failure to accommodate for a delegation, and less pre-conference delegation preparation.
Registration Policies
All delegations must register through the official YMUN Singapore registration site.
Registration will be processed on a rolling basis until capacity is reached.
YMUN Singapore will not hold any placements for delegations who have not submitted their
payment.Delegations that have completed registrations but are not accepted through the rolling process will be placed on a Waitlist. Should a spot become available, delegations will be informed and their registrations confirmed. YMUN Singapore will do its best to inform Advisors and Delegations of their status on the Waitlist as early as possible and will provide a final decision as soon as possible.
All registered delegations must adhere to the deadlines and fees outlined in these Terms and Conditions. Failure to do so may result in late fees and/or the inability to attend YMUN Singapore.
Registration Deadlines
All deadlines are 23:59, Singapore time
July 1, 2024: Early registration period opens.
November 30, 2024: Early registration period closes.
January 31, 2025: Regular registration period closes.
March 14 - 16, 2025: YMUN Singapore!
Failure to pay the following fees will result in an inability to attend YMUN Singapore.
Delegate Fee: Early Bird ($150 USD), Regular Registration ($190 USD)
Advisor Fee: $60 USD
Payment should be made through the Typeform registration link on the website. Country and committee assignment preferences will be honored in the order in which payment is received.
Refund Policy
Cancellation requests must be submitted via email to secgen@ymuns.org and d.lim@crimsoneducation.org.
If approved, refunds will be processed in mid-March.
100% refunds are permitted until 1st January, 2025. After which, 100% refunds are permitted within 7 days after payment and registration.
Cancellations prior to 60 days before the event starts: YMUN Singapore charges 40% of the total registration fee.
For cancellations between 31 and 60 days before the program starts, YMUN Singapore charges 60% of the total registration fee.
For cancellations between 8 and 30 days before the program starts, YMUN Singapore charges 80% of the total registration fee.
For cancellations 7 days or less before the program starts, YMUN Singapore charges the full registration fee.
All exceptional cases and the evidence collected must be received by the YMUN Singapore secretariat no later than 7 working days before the scheduled event date.
If the YMUN Singapore secretariat approves your case, you will receive a full refund.
If the YMUN Singapore secretariat does not approve your case, the terms indicated in section 1 will apply.
We define exceptional circumstances as:
Serious medical conditions that prevent you from attending or performing normally on the day of the program; such conditions require proof by means of a medical certificate from a qualified doctor;
Evidence of bereavement, trauma, or other forms of significant hardship;
Military service.
If a school or individual submits or emails a request to make a change to their registration, an explicit confirmation email must be received from the Secretary-General or Under Secretary-General of Delegations in order for that change to be valid. Otherwise, the school will be held responsible for paying the full balance owed prior to the change. Please follow up with us if you do not receive a confirmation regarding your delegation change.
In the event of inclement weather, poor transport, illness or any other extenuating circumstance that prevents a delegation from attending the conference the school or organization supporting the delegation will still be responsible for paying the delegation’s balance in full.
YMUN Singapore is not responsible for failure to make travel and accommodation arrangements on time. If travel or accommodation arrangements are not made on time, and affect conference attendance, YMUN Singapore is not responsible for refunds or liability.
YMUN Singapore is not responsible for inability to make travel and accommodations or securing visas. For delegations requiring a visa invitation letter, please keep in mind the time it will take to process your visa letters after you submit your information.
Delegation fees must be sent to our account; we are not responsible for funds transferred to the wrong account or failure to receive payments that are not proven with a receipt.
Our account information will be available after your registration is received.
YMUN Singapore reserves the right to change the schedule as seen fit and necessary by the Secretary-General.Exceptions and Violations
The Secretary-General, Director-General of Operations, and Director-General of Committees are the only ones who are allowed to grant exceptions or extensions to conference policies and deadlines. Neither YMUN Singapore nor Yale International Relations Association is liable for erroneous statements made by other members of YMUN Singapore staff or representatives or agents regarding conference policies listed herein or otherwise. Violation of the policies herein mentioned may result in the revocation of assigned seats with no refund, expulsion, and prohibition from future YIRA conferences around the world. All inquiries should be sent to the Secretary-General at secgen@ymuns.org
Last Updated: June 17, 2024